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Aloe Vera Juice (Aloe Rich) 1000ML

Rs 2,000.00 Rs 1,800.00

Aloe Vera Juice is herbal Product which not only improve your digestive system but also boost your immune system and gives your body extra protection against infections and inflammation.

Aloevera Face Wash (Organic)

Rs 1,050.00

Aloe Vera Face wash is an instant facial organic face wash combines natural ingredients to cleanse your skin, leaving it feeling fresh, glowing, soothing and moisturized.

Aloevera Hair Food (Organic)

Rs 950.00

Aloe Vera hair food is a breakthrough scientific Product. Hair Food gives you guaranteed results on thin weak hairs & roots, hair loss, dandruff, premature baldness and greying.


Rs 1,150.00

Aloe Vera herbal Shampoo keeps the hair moisturized and promotes healthier hair growth. It also soothes dry scalp, itching, and reduces dandruff.( 400 ML)

Bio Sand Filtration System

Rs 18,500.00

cartridge free bio technology

Cinammon Herbal Tea

Rs 550.00

Cinnamon tea is a powerful beverage. It’s filled with antioxidants and offers several health benefits, including reduced inflammation and blood sugar levels, improved heart health, and perhaps even weight loss. Cinnamon tea may also fight off infections and reduce PMS and menstrual cramps. many benefits for male and female health

VALOC Supplement for PCOS & Female Infertility

Rs 1,250.00

VALOC is dietary supplement which helps to promote proper utilization of the hormone insulin, which in turn supports proper hormone balance and improve folic acid level in females and resolve fertility issues.(10 sachet pack)

V-DOX Supplement for Male Power & stamina

Rs 1,850.00 Rs 1,400.00

V-Dox is herbal formulated product which boosts libido and sex drive in men. It is very effective remedy for male sexual problems.

Leo Kom (For leucorrhoea, abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginities)30 tablets

Rs 990.00

For leucorrhoea, abnormal vaginal discharge and vaginities

Vito-Plus (Energy Supplement )

Rs 1,200.00

Vito -Plus Active Capsules are a highly potent and uniquely balanced combination of natural vitamins, minerals and trace elements, with added ginseng ,CoQ-10,Biotin,and Green Tea extract to help boost energy levels and maintain overall wellbeing. Vito- Plus Active Capsules help revitalize the body, enable a more active lifestyle, maximize energy levels, and contribute to the reduction of stress and exhaustion from the day to day routine.

Butin Lotion ( whitening & Antiaging)

Rs 1,090.00

perfect whitening and antiaging lotion with glutathione ,Kojic Acid, Vitamin E, alpha arbutin and alovera. It has skin whitening action from Glutathione, Vitamin E, Kojic Acid achieving whitening 4X different angles and ensuring greater efficacy, Together Glutathion with other world famous natural extracts achieves a more holistic skin whitening and anti aging regimen.

Miracle AloeVera Gel (Organic)

Rs 1,180.00

Miracle AloeVera Gel optimizes the tone and rhythms of skin texture naturally. It is properly designed personal care regimen, can treat, exfoliate, restore, reveal and provide constant, impressive nutrition to the human skin.

Ginkgo Biloba (Memory Enhancement)(20 softgel)

Rs 620.00

Ginkgo Biloba is herbal supplement also called as brain food. Ginkgo Biloba has excellent result in memory improvement, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, multiple sclerosis and other brain Problems.

Biohanse for Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

Rs 890.00

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin; its helps to convert certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role to boost the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

Bio Black Hair Treatment Oil

Rs 1,150.00

a unique combination of herbs and natural oil For Hair Growth & Nourishment

Moringa Oleifera ( Morin 500 mg ) 20 tablets

Rs 550.00

Moringa contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an antioxidant, it seems to help protect cells from damage.

Modek (Supplement for reduce stress & anxiety , 20 capsules )

Rs 1,950.00 Rs 1,150.00

Modek is a noble Product, which free your brain from stress and anxiety and improves sense of good feelings. Mood Bliss is a unique Product, mixtures of brain stimulating compounds which improve blood circulation to brain and protect brain cell to damage.

Ortho Oil (Pain Relieve) 100 ML

Rs 1,100.00

Ortho oil is 100% natural oil, provide immediate relief in common aliments like arthritis, joint pains, knee pain, muscular pain, back pain, neck pain and cramps.

Omega 3 Fish Oil(Megalet )

Rs 950.00

Ultra-Pure, Premium Quality Omega 3 (1000mg Fish Oil) خون میں کولیسٹرول کی سطح کو متوازن بنا کہ دل کی جملہ تکالیف سے محفوظ رکھنے میں مددگار ثابت ہوتا ہے نیزامراض قلب میں مبتلا افراد میں اچانک موت کے خطرے کو کم کرتا ہے۔ہارمونز، دل ، دماغ، آنکھوں، جوڑوں اور مدافعتی نظام کی کارکردگی کو فعال بنانے میں اہم کردار ادا کرتاہے۔یاداشت اورذہانت میں اضافے کیلئے انتہائی فائدہ مند ہے

Cranberry Juice Extract with probiotic(Kranpro) 20 SACHET

Rs 1,300.00

Cranberry juice. Loaded with acid compounds that fight off bad bacteria, cranberry juice can help you prevent and relieve urinary tract infections. Cranberry has been used for reducing the risk of "bladder infections" (urinary tract infections). It has also been used for decreasing the smell of urine in people who are unable to control urination (incontinent).